Methodology of Jurisprudence: interactive manual

Methodology of Jurisprudence: interactive manual

120.00 грн.
Модель: JK-13616
Наявність: Є в наявності
Переглянуто 1969 переглядів


  • Автор Дудченко В.В., Мельничук О.С.
  • Вага 0.1 кг
  • Видавництво Фенікс
  • Кількість сторінок 78
  • Мова англійська
  • Обкладинка м'який
  • Рік видання 2020
  • Тираж 300
  • Формат 145х200 мм
  • Продавець ЮрКнига


The interactive manual is designed to train specialists in the specialty "Law" and provides interactive learning using technology of Google Suite Education.

The authors of the manual aim to deepen the legal training of masters in educational institutions.

The discipline reveals the essence and provides an opportunity to understand and comprehend the law, studying the features of Ukrainian law, on the example of the use of approaches and principles of classical, modem and postmodern methodology in jurisprudence.

The manual is intended for teachers, students, graduate students, as well as anyone interested in the issue of methodology of jurisprudence.

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